Sep 21, 2019
Make a decision today is the best day of your life. Decide that no matter what, you refuse to let anything get in the way of your happiness. This is a decision to lift your self-worth, to bring a higher joy to your life. In this podcast, Devon and Robert discuss the steps you can take to make today your...
Jul 30, 2019
We enter the world pre-programmed for survival. Along the journey of life, we receive new programs and training from multiple sources that enable us to grow and succeed. Sometimes, the programming we receive gets in the way of our success and we must take action to remove the old programs and adopt new ones.
In this...
May 26, 2019
Letting go of what others think is hard. In this episode, Robert and Devon press into the uncomfortable and try to break free of the internal dialog of criticism and regret. When we let go of "what others think" we are free to fully express our true self and live in our true gifts.
Feb 24, 2019
What CK and I talked about (from CK's point of view):
Oct 12, 2018
We innovate to bring life to a higher plain, to increase prosperity into the lives of those who would benefit. Innovation doesn’t just happen - it requires cultivation of forces with the intent to disrupt the comfortable. Cultivation is a conscious choice of leadership. If you are the leader or lead a group...