Dec 22, 2021
Thank you! 2021 has been an amazing year, with a ton of successes and failures. In this podcast, I cover Gary Vee, books, Mastermind courses, health, trainers, and a ton of wisdom learn along the way.
Nov 22, 2021
In this episode of the Motive For Life radio show, host Robert Christensen discusses the importance of sleep for motivation and productivity. He shares his experience and tips for getting a good night's sleep, emphasizing the need for seven to eight hours every night.
Robert offers practical advice for establishing a...
Oct 30, 2021
There are three important questions to ask yourself when you're facing or dealing with a challenge. As a discipline, answering these questions as honestly a possible is critical to the advancement and elevation of self-worth. They are:
Oct 23, 2021
I want to thank everyone who has encouraged me to tell more of my story. In this podcast, I detail many of the troubles I created that led to my financial collapse and eventual recovery. It was not pleasant, easy, or something I would wish on any person. It was, however, necessary for me to learn about self-worth and...
Oct 15, 2021
Robert Christiansen shares his deepest and most painful mistakes and the bad situations that followed. From financial challenges to losing the trust of his wife, Robert's transparency on a bad situation and the ownership necessary to escape them is an important topic for everyone.