Jan 30, 2021
Robert goes on a passionate run in this powerful podcast about worthiness and why we have to embrace this personally to gain our next station in life.
In this podcast - links to the meditations:
Jan 23, 2021
All is connected and matters when developing a holistic view of life. Whether you want success in your career, money, or relationships, ignoring health, self-care, and recreation will result in unhappiness and self-destruction. Therefore, embracing all aspects of your life is fundamental to feeling good and being...
Jan 17, 2021
What we think about, we become. Therefore, we must change our thinking to what we want to become. Affirmations are very powerful phrases, when repeated, imprint on your brain what we want to become. Use this five-step process to build your own:
Jan 10, 2021
The key thing for all success is execution. And fear is the obstacle of execution. I love a Branson says about ideas, they're like buses, they come around every 10 minutes. However, execution is where it is at. And the power behind execution is worthiness. Worthiness is the juice to move us forward and get over the...
Jan 7, 2021
Whether you are an experienced meditator or just starting out, visualization is key to a successful life. When we "see the outcome" we are able to take actions that build towards success. Investing 10 minutes each morning visualizing what you want and how it feels to attain it is a very small price to pay for success....