Dec 26, 2020
New Year Goal Setting - Using the Eight Life Category Model from Motive For Life, we take you through the step by step process to achieve the next level of success in all areas of your life. The categories are:
Dec 21, 2020
Why do we give up the actions that got us success? Good routines are so important to achieving our goals. When we lose our ability to stay in our disciplines, to be consistent with the good actions we have - day in and day out - we suffer. Robert and Devon have come off their disciplines from time to time and they...
Dec 12, 2020
In this recording, The Gift is read slowly and is set to wonderful music. Repeat each phrase and internalize them, and make them your new foundation of worthiness. Listen in the car, while working out, on a walk, or as a meditation. All is good!
Dec 5, 2020
Robert and Devon dive into the world of archetypal astrology with their good friend Josh Hedaya. Unpacking and learning about how the position of the planets affects human psychology and the unfolding of events. Wonderful and enlightening, Josh discusses oneness, ancient cultures, and patterns in...