Jul 28, 2018
In this episode of 5 Minute Wisdom, I present a simple statement to repair a relationship without making either person wrong. Most of us have difficult situations. Many feel justified in our position and saying "I'm Sorry" is just too difficult to say, especially if we do not believe we are in the wrong. Learn...
Jul 23, 2018
Flying is challenging as it is, but when three large people are all on the same row, well that can be very difficult. Follow these simple steps to change how you think and you will change how you feel.
Jul 13, 2018
Patience is the ability to suffer through a situation, without anger or being upset. How can one let a situation alone without getting upset, and patiently wait for the right time to act? The key to patience is having confidence to take action at the right moment that adds the maximum value.
Learn the key questions one...
Jul 8, 2018
We discuss the deeply personal topic of innovative action and how it calls upon you to stick your neck out.
Within every human being is the spark of imagination and it is up to the individual to analyze their character to determine how they plan to realize their gifts - our unique ability to innovate. Those who embrace...