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Robert Christiansen

Motive For Life offers a whole new way of being, one that is defined by your intentions. You can live in a world of intentional life experiences. Through the Power of Worthiness and dedicated routines of language conditioning, you can change your experience from a life of random and unpredictable events to intentional success. 

There Are No Mistakes

You are getting exactly what you think about - whether you want it or not.  The game is to control your thinking so you can get what you REALLY want!  Through Motive For Life's unique process of linking worthiness, language conditioning, and action, you will take control of your life in a whole new way.


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Jul 30, 2019

We enter the world pre-programmed for survival.  Along the journey of life, we receive new programs and training from multiple sources that enable us to grow and succeed.  Sometimes, the programming we receive gets in the way of our success and we must take action to remove the old programs and adopt new ones.  

In this...

Jul 15, 2019

In this great discussion, Robert and Devon pull apart the strange behaviors of self-destruction.  At work and in our personal lives, we see people do stupid things and wonder how they cannot see that their actions are holding them back.  Robert and Devon offer some simple but effective ideas to help catch ourselves...

Jul 7, 2019

The Science of Getting Rich


There is a thinking stuļ¬€ from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe.

A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.

I can form things in my thought, and by impressing my...